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About CodyBT1985

My name is Cody. I live in Aurora, CO. Been here on and off for the last 20 years or so. Good times... =P

I'm practically married to a woman named Genevieve. Her office is in my apartment. We spend just about every weekend together. A lotta love but no baby talk. We agreed the baby talk is both pointless and irritating.

Recent Pic
My lovely girlfriend Genevieve.

I play guitar. Own two electrics and have an acoustic currently in my possession. I've tortured my guitars with countless changes in string gauges and tunings. Have tuned as high as Nashville and as low as drop-E1. However, I always find that my best songs are recorded in standard tuning with nothing but the song in mind.

Replaced by an Ibanez bass.  )
Pawned the Epiphone LP above. =P

The previous/current projects in which I've been involved are Illixer and Male Enhancement Overdose. Illixer was a short stint as the drummer left before the band was gig-ready. With MEO, Dmitrius Hunglbecker and I pretty much jam out whenever we feel like it and I typically tune my guitar to drop-A or lower (F# standard or drop-E1 on half the 7-string numbers). We aim to be as heavy as possible while writing songs that have as many asses shaking as heads banging. This typically means minimizing two major components of most modern metal bands - tremolo picking and blastbeats. Considering we use a keyboard for drum sounds, blastbeats aren't really a viable option to begin with.

Jammin with Illixer.

Currently, I'm recording demos with the help of Hammerhead (awesome piece of drum machine freeware) and a TASCAM 4-track tape recorder. Have some of my latest songs and beats here

In the meantime, check out Dmitrius Hunglbecker's other project on MySpace at Guaranteed to rock your world, or at least make your day. =D
